Now is the time for truly American voters to come to the aid ... of your Party; hopefully a Jefferson/Madison
Democratic-Republican Party

First Some Background Motivation #AffordableHousing #ClimateChange

Which is, according to the Harris/Walz economic platform running on a "Trust Us" affordable housing ticke
t to stop an economic nightmare of the oppositions Project 2025 new Republicans from stealing, with the stroke of a Presidents pen, US Mining Law of 1872 claims, for the benefit of off-shore Multinational control inspired by Russia that is the worlds largest supplier of a magical volcanic mineral identified as Nepheline Syenite, more commonly thought of as a natural pozzolan Roman Cement that was used to build hydraulic concrete structures that did not depend upon steel re-bar for temples, bridges, aqueducts — that did not collapse due to hidden rust failures.

I, identify as a democratic veteran, with a USAF Intelligence background, working directly under SAC's General LeMay, during the First Cold War which we actually won, with my one step above Top Secret security clearance, looking deep into targeting Russian week spots, which I am still obligated to honor today by not storing documents in an open to all bathroom!

So, while I am starting to rant a bit, let me further introduce that I can be trusted as a "Prudent Man" for having 4 something great-grandfathers at the Battle of Kings Mountain, where the Scots-Irish got a chance to get their revenge for being shipped in chains after Culloden to be sold off a slave market dock as indentured servants to oversea the mishandling of African citizens , whose kidnapping was to be longer than seven years "service" than the lifetime many of many of my cousin "Chicken George". And know that I also had three relatives at New Orleans, and just about every time Tennessee Volunteers were needed to help his men survive the Bataan Death march (that cost Colonel Bradley his head for doing so), and a Cousin "Knox" who drove a Higgins Boat many times carrying wave after wave, while under fire, onto Omaha Beach, D-Day Normandy. So, go ahead and smirk away as a MAGA Mobster for me being a "traitor" just for being a law abiding American.

And, I guess needs to explain that my mining family background lead me on another stampede, which for me was to Moab, Utah, in 1955, where I worked underground as a "Minor Miner" and then, because of an understanding of the rocks involver, was sent out banging on rocks, and mapping the location. Which basically is what I have been having fun doing almost 70-years later— working with almost unknown minerals.

My Honorable Role Today seems to be identifying Ant-American, offshore banking interests hoping you will vote to excuse as Climate Criminals for perhaps being the ones to sue for encouraging Trump to walk-out, and all over as a Presidential election statement over Al Gore, the first vote count looser, thanks in part to an early SCOTUS decision, that led to a very public demonstration against the UN Paris Climate Accords that set deadlines on Global Warming for simply surviving what is shaping up as a and forecast of what Science disbelieving politicians seem to be working at in gaining even more power for a favored few, that also laughed at Covid taking out the weak and unproductive, who were not pure Aryan.

Why Am I Forced Into Being Political?

I am supporting the Harris/Walz all-American platform, as an dreamer for having survived 8 years of harassment from a Trump appointment of Agriculture Sonny Perdue, to basically be the candy store for two multinational follow through “families” corporations as only recently identified, for the first time in print, with the publishing at the RNC convention of “Project 2025” which revealed also for the first time
a hidden agenda, against the independent “Prudent Man” of the US 1872 Mining Law, which has seen some US Code updates, and more are needed, to protect the overall ownership of ordinary US citizens.

But the “unknown to Trump” Project 2025 revelation of members of how the wealthy expect “their businesses” be run, as unfortunately previewed when Trump was last elected on the idea that he would take care of regulatory red tape, as I documented on a "crazy", how this best be done for what "dirty commie socialist" Senator Sanders has been complains about recently is that is 3 corporations who own 50% of the wealth in America, has led to my still complaining , apparently myself, about senseless red tape that does not even care if you actually are an American taxpayer. Fortunately these ware grandfathered in Department of the Interior/ BLM jurisdiction claims.

What you need to know is that if Trump gets a chance to pardon himself, and friends, and do away with a scheduled Paris Accord sanctioned ban of burning coal to roast carbon coal for the manufacture of an outdated formula Portland Cement® Association cement — where my start-up is ready to step in to keep build-back better working.

So to solve 8-years of dribble coming out of a 85-year old, and sister, please listen to my wisdom that that the RNC 2025 suggestion that the sneaky Platform suggestion, really would be totally selling out the silly notion we are a Thomas Jefferson’s Democratic-Republican checks and balances Party.

What American voters really need to understand is what Project 2050 is recommending that:
—"A presidentially appointed Regulatory Reduction Comission [sic] that would examine the Code of Federal Regulations each year and send repeal packages to Congress that include old, obsolete, redundant, and harmful regulations." Would have to unchecked power to use CFR's to dismantle our runaway capitalistic system, to turn anything in "Main Street" regulated business into a "Wall Street Oligarchy."

So fighting back, as a still free, 85-Year old American, (crazy enough to ignore a laser red dot coming from big tire gas guzzling pick-ups flying tRUMP flags while openly stealing from my ECO-Minerals-Stockpile) here is my latest Operating Plan for my grandfathered in mining claims, ready for the development of the early dream of by, as the sole owner of 250 Million tons of uniform value Al2O3 / SiO2, Zero Carbon Geopolymer Cement that perhaps has the best use (out of a Swiss Army Knife options, as recently suggested inside liner for submarine hulls) is to answer President Harris's suggestion of taking care of individuals wanting to build their own home, because they cannot find, even working two or more jobs for a family, that cannot even manage what used to be a (destroyed) Saving & Loan standard of buying into shelter that was no more expensive than the total of two years of a family's salary; or if forced to rent while saving for your 10% down payment, your temporary housing budget no more than 25% of your income. Seriously, this is what used to be taught a high school level, before home economics and sex education became banned at some so-called school districts.

I know this sounds to good to be true, but I am 85-years old and I will not sell off more than 50% of Table Mountain Oregon that holds 250 million tons of Creators gift in a ECO-Minerals-Stockpile Trust, in a vault to control runaway governmental biz tax changes associated with housing inflation. Which means I have absolutely any desire to talk with “blank check”, hedge fund, pump and dump flippers. It won’t work here, You can find a way through all bumps in the road meant to misdirect investors from the potential of buying into an LLC co-op ownership position, so chat with me at 5419169209. Or, reach me on Linkedin at the "Mining Magazins Web Ring" Group.

Who Can You Trust These Days Transfering $100 on a very hacked Internet?

As this is a totally new concept, presented by The Prospector who has published a well accepted Academic Paper which further documents what I have to say.

Or, follow through on my offer as a potentially a very wealthy individual who has decided to do the right thing for having lived an exciting and blessed life, of paying it back by giving it forward to help solve a very basic need of shelter — so here is the plan:

1) As an individual, I will gift transfer a ton unit of in-place (locked up in an underground vault) uniform value Nepheline Syenite, with a continuing royalty to me of 2.5%, and a 2.5% continuing non transferable royalty to you — for your gifting $100 for that particular registered by bill of sale number. Warning:this is not a gift for those who want to play stupid games!

2) Once I have been trusted with spending that $100 to take care of expenses supporting the management of the member owned, member managed "Club", where my only role is an an advisor, especially when it comes to being very picky when letting big money, do nothing positive, control freaks into your club.?

3) Once you have a signed by me and registered number, my suggestion for wanting to increase your end 2.5% royalty, is to flow-through to a recommended specialty market website I am also directing part of that $100 per ton, which for affordable housing marketing as also being formed as a CO-OP that right now is located at

4) Which right now is trying to contract with (and using the power of, which is not to be a gift for investors; nor my family trust ECO-Mineral-Stockpile that offers a bridge to other new age volcanic minerals, other than your $100 per ton Nepheline Syenite held until their is an inevitable retail price raise offer— a flow-through way to an independent, to process the raw Nepheline Syenite into the same chemistry 3M Nepheline which seems to be selling for $600 per ton to help build back better infrastructure as recently approved by the the Ohio DOT, and CalTrans.

5) However, remember that by joining the exclusive ECO-Housing-America, basically for free, your ton, with 2.5% royalty, will have gone on record committing to making housing affordable once again. Do not destroy peoples lives by dealing with anyone that will make it even more housing any more expensive to build. This warning also applies to some governmental programs that only makes money off of peoples suffering.

6) Which explains why I personally as an individual have avoided anything to do with SEC Securities mismanagement. Your individual $1OO gift to do a bank transfer to the copyright owner of this website. The money will go out in expenses to really get this site, and related urls activated.If I choose to reject an inappropiate for my gift of a Ton Unit of Nepheline Syenite for non compliance of the stated rules of our own exchange, this amount will be returned.

7) If all of this is too "iffy" in a time when the Internet is being destroyed by data miners that toss everything into an Artificial Intelligence Blender, to feed it back a puree of what you want to be spoon fed the real truth, well, perhaps you might need to try another search engine to look-up my web group to do your own due diligence homework, on something that may come up with a very unfair abuse of a SSL site being questioned as valid.

Which is why BarryMurray of , or suggests this direct to bank account tracking numbe way which is a clever way to catch a thief:

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